Getting ready for work this morning, I reflected upon the last election cycle. In the quietness of the morning (my kids are still asleep), a thought struck me. When it comes to politics, Christians, particularly women, need not apply. Yeah, I know. But follow me here.
Christine O'Donnell was completely vilified, a victim of gross character assassination. Sharron Angle was also is the target hairs of the left's defamatory actions. And Sarah Palin experienced all this on a level of the absurb in the 2008 that she may never be able to shake it enough to run for office again!
What is the common denominator amongst these women? Their Christian faith. The left wing media and political hacks accomplished their goals. They made enough people think these decent women were "kooky" enough that they lost in the general election.
Thanks to Bill Maher, the leftist smear merchants and Saturday Night Live, what you all saw on the 6 o'clock evening news or other main stream outlets is exactly what these machinists wanted you to see. They wanted America to see these women and fear them because "they're not like us."
Not like "us"? Who's "us"? The "liberated woman" of the 1970's. The NOW card carrying, feminist, non-evangelical woman. These people don't regard God as One we worship, praise, honor and serve. To them, He's whoever they want him to be. He is a woman to some, not the omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, Alpha and Omega, unchanging, just, fair, loving God we evangelical Christians know Him to be.
So, is this all just political bashing or religious discrimination? No, I don't think so. I think it is fear. But not the kind I just mentioned. It's the kind in the realm of the unknown. They don't understand so they foment, lie and slander. How can a woman be "pro-life"? How can a woman believe in Intelligent Design or even in a Creator? What are they going to do to "our rights"? What will they do to the laws we want to see or support? How will the industries we support survive under them?
Yep, it's fear and the almighty dollar. They are worried about the abortion and climate change industries. Massive amounts of taxpayer money are thrown to these industries. Laws and regulations are written giving them more power, more funding and more everyday control over our lives. So, there is something to be feared here. But why just the women?
Women are seen as the door into the home. The women's vote is one of the most sought in all of politics. If you lose the women's vote, you lose control BIG. So, they seek to denigrate conservative, evangelical women because these women don't tow the "party line" of the liberal feminist groups.
You doubt? Look at how conservative female pundits are maligned. Michelle Malkin, Laura Ingraham, Ann Coulter (even though she makes me squirm quite a bit, too), Phyllis Schafly, Frances Schaffer. COmmon factor here, besides conservatism? Their faith. Show me a conservative woman who hasn't been demeaned or diminished in some regards by the liberal machine in America. Can't? I didn't think so.
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